sábado, 6 de junio de 2015

Let's be creative! What is Padlet?

Padlet is a tool which will help you create a digital wall.

We are creating ours as a present for Dave, our language assistant who is leaving.

You just have to follow these tips to leave your message:

Click on the link a present for Dave

Double click anywhere you want on the screen

Write your message in English, don't worry if you make  mistakes, try your best and remember to say something nice, he's been helping us all year

You'll get a mark for your post as the mark you got every time you participated when he was in class

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

Welcome everybody!!!

Welcome dear students!
This course we're going digital, that's why we are creating our blog for the English class.

Please, be hardworking, creative and participative because you will also get marks for your contributions.

I hope you enjoy it and learn a lot!